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Learn how to get First Aid at Work Certificate

To become a Certified First Aider at the workplace, you need to complete the 3-day First Aid at Work Training Course, and an assessment in a classroom. You will receive your First aid at work certificate upon completing the course. The Level 3 First Aid at Work course is more advanced than the basic 1-day Emergency First Aid at work course.


First Aid at Work Certificate

What is the First Aid at Work Certificate?

The First Aid at Work Certificate shows that you have completed extensive First Aid Training and gained the skills & qualifications required to work as a first aider in the workplace. This enables you to save a life and provide emergency treatment in the event of an individual injuring themselves or falling ill.

FAW Certificate is valid for 3 years and is issued by your First Aid training provider. As a Certified First Aider, you will have the necessary set of practical skills needed to become a confident first aider at work, giving you both the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies. 

Do I require a First Aid at Work Certificate?

As per the Health and Safety Regulations of 1981, it is an employer’s responsibility to ensure that employees have access to adequate first-aid treatment. Therefore, having Certified First Aiders in the workplace can meet the criteria and make it safer for everyone. In some instances, having First Aid at Work Certificate holders is a legal requirement and is determined by the risk factor of the workplace. This can be identified by carrying out an employer’s HSE risk assessment

This Level 3 First Aid at work qualification is most suitable for the following industries:

  • Large organizations
  • High-Risk Industries
  • Education
  • Construction sites

There are also other types of first aid training, depending on your working environment, for example, if you work in an environment with children, you require the Pediatric First Aid Course.

How do I get the First Aid at Work Certificate?

To get First Aid at Work Certificate, you need to complete the required training.

The FAW training course runs over 3 days and involves a mix of theory and practical work. There is no formal examination for this course, you will be assessed on your knowledge.

Each learner is assessed during the course by the certified tutor using a range of practical demonstrations, questions, and answers. Learners are required to prove the ability to identify and handle casualties with the use of their knowledge taught in this course. However, this can vary depending on your training provider.

Some of the topics covered on Level 3 First Aid at Work Course include:

  • Managing an emergency
  • How to use an automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • Health and Safety (First Aid) regulations
  • Communication and casualty care
  • Head injuries
  • Poisoning
  • Bleeding (minor and severe)
  • Resuscitation (adult CPR)
  • Seizures (adult)
  • Burns and scalds
  • Severe allergic reaction
  • Chest pains (including heart attack)
  • Shock

At Bright Learning Centre, we offer First Aid At Work Training Courses in Leicester for people for work, parents, and individuals that provide a set of practical skills required to become a confident first aider at work.

Cost of the First Aid at Work Certificate

The First Aid at Work Certificate is included in FAW Training Course. To obtain the certificate, there is no additional cost involved as the price is already included in the training cost.

Certificate Renewal

Once it has expired after 3 years, you will need to take First Aid at Work Refresher training to renew your First Aid at Work Certificate. FAW Refresher training takes 2 days and is an important part of keeping your skills up-to-date and making sure that you are aware of new techniques and advancements that will help with providing more effective treatment.

Becoming a First Aid Trainer

If you want to become a trainer where you teach skills to save lives, then First Aid training is the best option for you. It all depends on the teaching qualifications you already hold and your experience relating to first aid.

The first and foremost requirement to become a trainer is to have an entry-level teaching qualification. To get into teaching, you need to learn the Level 3 Award in Education and Training qualification.

This qualification helps you learn the roles, responsibilities, and relationships in education and training, how to create effective lessons, and the different ways to assess learners.

At #BrightLearningCentre, you can complete Level 3 AET/PTTLLS Teacher Training Course in Leicester (Classroom-Based) or Distance/Online Learning.

First Aid Qualification

Once you have a teaching qualification that proves your ability as a trainer, the next step is to have some relevant experience. To obtain this  Level 3 First Aid at Work qualification will help in building confidence, explains how to determine and teach first aid specifically.

At Bright Learning Centre, we offer First Aid Courses in Leicester that helps learners to deal with emergency life-threatening situations.



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